How I Wrote my Client-Attracting Showcase Book in 5 Days

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Everything changes when you write a book.

To win clients, I used to send out five proposals a week. I had my proposal-writing process running like a well-oiled machine, but it was still a lot of work. Some days, my business felt like an endless hamster wheel of proposals and sales calls—and then I had to actually deliver the work!

Don’t get me wrong. I loved my work. I loved my clients. They were doing great work, and I was helping them make a difference in the world and achieve their dreams. What could be more inspiring than that?

But working so hard was sucking the joy out of my business. Although I started getting more referrals and repeat clients, I still wished my business would just market itself so I could focus on doing my best work for my clients.

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When I released my signature book, everything changed.

Even though my reach was about two dozen people and nobody outside my circle had ever heard of me, that book gave me credibility. It also gave me exposure. Suddenly, my business was getting in front of thousands of people a week.

People started seeing me as an authority. What’s more, they started wanting to work with me. Soon, I had requests coming in every week for my services.

It was too many for me to fulfill, so I created a certification program to train others in my process. Now my business is at a level of success I never dreamed I could have, and I’m free to pursue the work I love most.

Releasing this short, simple book changed my life forever. Not only do clients come to me effortlessly, but I have additional passive income streams from my e-products. Now I don’t have to work with clients at all if I don’t want to.

It can be like this for you, too. And it doesn't have to take a thousand years.

Most people never write a book, even when they know it’s their next uplevel.

Why? Resistance. Procrastination. Fear.

It sounds like this:

• I don’t know how to write a book

• I suck at writing

• I’m not enough of an expert

• It sounds hard

• I’ll do it someday, just not now

But deep down, it’s also:

• Who am I to write a book?

• What if it flops and I’m humiliated?

• What if it’s a big success and I can’t handle it?

I get it. I’ve been there. But you didn’t get where you are by giving in to resistance and playing small.

Oh yeah, and one more thing: Those fears are liars.

Writing a book takes work, but it doesn’t have to be hard.

The reason so many people get stuck is they don’t know what they’re doing, so they just flail around, write dead-end tangents, or stare at a blank page and then give up. But you can just skip all that and get right to the part where it works, if you want.

• Instead of getting stuck, feeling the exhilaration of creating something great and watching it come together so much faster than you imagined

• Knowing exactly what to say and how to put it together so your book will attract your ideal clients

• Becoming a published author, and celebrating with your happy and proud family and friends

• Reading five-star reviews and emails from grateful readers whose lives you’ve changed

• Opening your email to find ideal clients reaching out and wanting to work with you as a result of reading your book

• Watching your business grow and thrive with so much more ease

That’s what I want for you. And that’s why I’ve created the Showcase Book Bootcamp.

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Course Breakdown

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Knowing What to Write

What should your book be about? What should it say to attract your ideal clients? We'll answer these questions and nail down exactly what to say in your book.

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Creating Your Book's Unique Positioning in the Marketplace

In this unit, we'll engineer your book to stand out, be the obvious choice for your ideal clients, and sell.

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Blueprinting the Book to Showcase your Expertise

How can you present what you do so that your ideal clients will understand, feel supported, and want to work with you? That's what we cover in this unit.

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Building Attraction into the Book's Structure

Your book can help sell itself if you structure it right. We'll set that up in this unit, with three simple steps that can make a big difference.

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Writing the Book

We'll cover how to write your book in as little as two weeks, or even a long weekend. Includes two methods that don't involve writing at all!

Here’s a taste of what’s inside

How to write and publish a book to showcase your expertise and attract clients for your business

How to finish your in as little as a weekend without sacrificing quality (Unit 5, Video 3)

You need to be a great writer, right? Wrong! Learn why in Unit 5, Video 1

What you should never do when publishing your book (Unit 1, Video 1)

Why one of the best ways to write a book doesn’t involve writing at all (Unit 5, Video 3)

How to engineer your book to sell before you start writing (Unit 2, Video 1)

The truth about why it takes most people so long to write a book—and how you can skip the obstacles they struggle with (Unit 3, Video 1)

You need a big email list and following to be a successful author, right? Wrong! (Bonus Unit, Video 1)

Two ways to write your book without writing a word (Unit 5, Videos 3 and 4)

How to eliminate writer’s block (Unit 3, Video 1)

Where to find the right freelancers to help you publish a book you’ll be proud of (Unit 5 bonus handout)

Say goodbye to confusion and overwhelm (Unit 3, Video 1)

What to do if you’re a bad writer (Unit 5, Video 3)

Three obscure parts of a book that most people ignore but can help your book sell more (Unit 4, Video 1)

When it’s ok to use bad grammar in your book (Unit 5, Video 2)

The truth about publishing on Amazon vs. traditional publishers (Bonus Unit, Video 1)

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Only $47

Are You Ready?

You'll receive:

The Showcase Book Bootcamp, guiding you through the exact steps to write your showcase book and make sure it will sell and attract clients for your business

The Book-in-a-Weekend Challenge to guide you through completing your entire manuscript in one weekend

Can’t spare a weekend? You’ll also get the 45-Minutes-a-Day Planner, to guide you step by step through completing your entire manuscript in just 45 minutes a day

The No-Writing Writers’ Guide, which will show you exactly how to complete your entire manuscript—and do a great job—without writing a word

The Showcase Manuscript template to give you a head start and make it even easier to write your book

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One-Year Full Results Guarantee

If you implement everything I show you in this bootcamp and you still can’t produce a book that showcases your expertise and guides clients to want to work with you, I’ll give you 100% of your money back. I’m so confident, I’ll give you a whole year to try it.

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About the Instructor

Hi, I’m Cara Stein. I’m the founder of 17000 Days and Project Bestseller. I’ve guided over 200 books through the publishing process, and I’m the creator of the Bestseller Launch Blueprint, Author • Expert • Bestseller, and the Bestseller Book Marketer Certification program.

In my most recent book launch, my book hit the top 10 in 18 categories in the US, UK, Canada, and Australia, including eight #1s.



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Author's Guide to Superhero Support

Superhero Support Kit

Learn what you can do yourself and when to hire a pro when publishing your book, how to vet providers, plus recommendations for my favorite providers for design, editing, formatting, and marketing your book.
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